Progress update blog post 4

Since our last update, we have accomplished even more than we had thought we were going to in just one week. Our character is now fully animated. The First and second levels of the game are completed, with the third still being worked on. One of our biggest updates was getting the rhythm level of the game fully completed. We have decided to add replayability to that level because we feel it will be the highlight of the game when we showcase it. We feel that it will be something people may want to play more than one time while we are showcasing the game. This was a simple implementation that involved clicking a replay button that is in the pause menu of that level. We have also added a credits scene that players can view in that level's menu. We have one NPC that is fully in the game now. The art/animation is there along with the player interaction. We are still working on finalizing art for the other NPCs and some small background details. 

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Apr 09, 2024

Get Sparky and the Nocturnals

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